Roofing Information- Vantage Point Roofing | Blog

Roof Damaged In a Storm - We Can Repair Or Replace It Under Your Insurance

Written by Luke Fletcher | 01-Jan-2018 15:00:00

South-East Queensland is somewhat of a thunderstorm alley during storm season. The Gold Coast and Brisbane areas endure many storms throughout the year, but particularly during peak storm season around October/November.

Thankfully most storms don’t wreak havoc. Many pass through with nothing more than a bit of thunder, lightning and rain. But then there are the damaging ones, with strong wind gusts and sometimes hail the size of cricket balls. It is these storms that are dangerous, and the ones most responsible for extensive damage to property, such as vehicles and houses.

As your home or business’s roof bears the full brunt of wind and hail damage, when one of these ferocious storms passes through the area, it leaves in its wake a trail of destruction. Most of the damage is often done to the roof, requiring emergency workers to place tarps over gaping holes to keep the rain out until the roof can be repaired.

It’s the roof that really protects the premises from the elements, so it’s vital to be able to have the damage repaired as soon as possible. Your home or property’s insurance will generally cover storm damage, but even once it’s been assessed and approved, you still need a reputable roofing company to get the roof repairs or roof replacements done expediently and within budget.

That’s where Vantage Point Roofing comes into its own.

We’ve been keeping homes and businesses covered in SE Qld for many years, and during that time we have successfully performed over 5000 roof replacements. We specialise in and recommend metal roofing, due to its extreme toughness and durability when it comes to harsh weather conditions. It also looks fantastic and comes in a variety of colours to suit everyone’s style.

If your home or business roof has been damaged in a storm, call in our expert staff. We’ll send someone around to assess the damage, decide whether roof repairs or a complete roof replacement is required,  and formulate a quote. Once the quote has been approved by your insurance company, we’ll get to work and have your life back to normal in quick time.

We are rated the number one roofing company on the Gold Coast and in Brisbane. Vantage Point Roofing doesn’t just do roof repairs and roof replacement. We can also assist with the following:

  • Guttering
  • Insulation
  • Downpipes
  • Metal wall cladding
  • Skylights
  • Ventilation
  • Asbestos removal